One click to rule them all

Send your browser Tabs to Links in a text file with one click

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Let it make your browser* faster!

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* By purchasing, you get Safari App, Google Chrome App, as well as an iOS shortcut and a Google Chrome extension. collects all open tabs and saves them to a text file along with their links and titles. All of this happens using native processes of the OS X / iOS system with no need of internet connection.

Free up your device's RAM and enjoy its speed!

What features? is just simple as that!

All you need is to:

➡ Purchase and download the app

➡ Give it a permission to save files on Mac

➡ Save generated text file with all the links

➡ You can close your tabs now

➡ Enjoy your clean browser ❤️

System Requirements:

macOS 10.10 and higher, 3 MB



Latest Version:

4.0.0 June 2023

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See the Manual

Quick guide of using the app.

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Designed and implemented by Jakub Jacek in Click here to see Cookies Policy.